Monday, May 20, 2013

Now What?

Good question.... Start right back up again! I had a cheat weekend with Chocolate cake... Thank you Mom! And a few other indulgenses I have totally missed. But now it's time to get my new goals. (And let me just add that I was so sick after eating those things I will NEVER, NEVER do that again!)

My new goal is 10 - 15 more pounds. It feels good to have the pressure off, I have met my personal goal now I am going for my dreams... to take my body to whole new level, one I had KNOW IDEA could exhist and I am SUPER excited!!!

Tonight I was asked what I like best about my body?  To be honest the BEST thing is the change in my mindset.  Without that........ my weight loss would not be long lived.  You would see me in a year with my weight back on and even more.  It makes me think about all the other weight loss programs I have attempted in the past and really that was what was missing. I am most grateful for the change in my mindset. ( and having stronger better looking legs and increased energy isn't so bad either!)

What does Jenny Flynn want for herself? I want to be involved, I want to get people involved and motivated to make a change if not in their health then in their life. I see SO MANY unhappy people. I believe people keep focusing on finding the right life, or right person to share it with......when really what you need to do is focus on BECOMING the right person and having the right life.....  It's right in front of you..... you just need to know how to change. Change your mindset, stop making excuses, change how YOU react to your situation and then practice it. It's not going to happen overnight, you will for sure need to invest your time and maybe even invest in someone to teach you. Change will happen, and you will be a better person for it.
For me, Mindset is always a work in progress, sometimes I get a total F for the day and other days I would say an A+.  It's about making those F days less frequent.
My goals for this next year is to start a core group through our church at River Valley about health and nutrition. I would love to continue teaching the 28 day program through Altman Fitness. I would love to take nutrition courses and possibly strength and conditioning courses. And I am working towards a project that will hopefully put me on a platform to encourage many!!!!

NOW this next part is for YOU, yes YOU! ..... you that are reading this thinking; " yeh right, I don't have the time, I don't have the money, I just don't know how I could possibly fit in __________ (insert your deep desires)" YOU have a destiny to were not put here on earth to simply exist......... YOU were created for MORE!! Look back at your life I mean REALLY look. Were there disappointments that you can look back on and realize it really was for the best?  I know I can; Gene and I wanted to move to a bigger home that would have tipped our budget. We were 2nd offer and we didn't get the house, I was REALLY disappointed at the time.  But I look back now and think "thank goodness!" If we had gotten that house I would not be in the position I am now, we would be over worked and over extended on our budget and I would still be that miserable unhappy wife.

Life is about seeing the big picture, realize the small opportunities and small victories in our life and allow them to build our confidence.  Small victories build faith and character, it allows us to go after those bigger opportunities and celebrate those huge victories with humility.
Start your day with the excitement and feeling like you can conquer anything...... and when you feel yourself slipping come back and read this post, and BELIEVE you can achieve what you set your mind to. Jenny Flynn believe's in YOU!


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