Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Do you ever spend time in your head "trying to figure things out". Why is it that we always try to "fix" something, spend a lot of time and energy on trying to figure out the issue when we really may need to focus on the solution. I have been so focused on why I am struggling to get these last pounds off that it has put my thoughts and my spirit in the dump! In my mind I keep telling myself "You've lost 80lbs WHY can't you finish it??!!!" ..... because I am too busy focusing on the issue or the problem and not busy enough focusing on the outcome. Basically.... I got lazy! Lost sight of what I am trying to do, became comfortable with what I am currently doing and in that process got myself into the negative thought process. 
Yesterday I went looking for inspiration. Looked at old pictures of myself, looked at motivating videos, quotes, and then I posted something on Facebook which read: "If I have inspired you in any way; loose weight, exercise a little, make small changes anything, post it here or just say ME!" to be honest I didn't think many people would respond.... I do know there are a few but honestly I had NO IDEA that there were so many of you that really followed, really watched and really cared, for that matter. I am completely blown away by the response. BLOWN AWAY people!!!! So THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Thank you for having the courage to let me know, thank you for hangin' with me this past year, YOU have INSPIRED ME to keep pushing, keep going and finish this thing! I have 6 more pounds to get to my personal goal of 90lbs. I have a goal date that I set of May 17th. My trainer and I have set up a consequence. really it was my trainers idea, because I would never pick this one..... My consequence is: not working out at the gym or training for 30 days. This to me is a BIG deal. Because that is one thing I love a lot. It's a good choice because he knows I will use any and all measures to get to my goal.
The reality of it is.... and don't tell him this I not only want to make my goal of 156.... I want to SMASH IT! I mean kill it, like...... surpass it, amaze and SHOCK and AWE it! So how am I going to do it?
I don't know?.........

So kidding! 70% of weight loss is in the kitchen so I am CLOSELY watching what I eat, low sodium, low sugar, lower fat when I need to, mixing up the carbs a bit depending on how I am working out. I am hugging the hungry line which is REALLY hard for me because it takes a lot of will power not to cave. Like seriously, I was at Barns and Noble the other day (safe place right? wrong!) you know how they have starbucks.... well they just happen to be having FREE SAMPLE day, seriously I mean come on! I have been in Barns and Noble 100 times and I have never run into free sample day. I was sooo tempted especially when the lady said, "do you want to try a sample of our new hazelnut macchiatto?" I'm like yeh of course I would! But that would just set off a chain of events for me, like going up to the counter and ordering a bit bigger size than the "free sample" and then I would have the BIGGEST sugar and caffeine high due to the fact that it has been a year since I have had any of the sorts. So I kindly said "No, but thank you!"
Ahhh will power, I know it well.   
What else am I going to do? PRAY..... A LOT! Especially on Tuesdays when I meet head to head with my trainer who trys to KILL me... did I just write that? I mean On Tuesdays when I meet with my personal fitness trainer who does such a great job of giving me amazing exercises to do in a fun and loving atmosphere where I leave feeling energized refreshed and renewed! And I am going to try really hard to run outside.... in the allergy infested air with 2 knees that feel like I still have 246lbs of pressure riding on them :) Did I mention I don't really like running? BUT I WILL! because that is what is going to take me there and really I love sunny warm days, it's my happy place..... just not the allergies! 
So here I go!!!! Time to SMASH my goal....... take it to another level of discipline! Thanks for the motivation!!!!!

6 more plinks!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. VERY proud of what you're doing Jen. When that voice inside tells you that "nobody cares," KNOW that there are some out there in the world that do and ARE inspired because of what you're doing !!!

    Keep on keepin' on girl :)

    God bless,

