Saturday, April 6, 2013

Pursuit of Happiness part II

Over  a year ago if you asked me what my goal was I would say it was to get through my day without chewing off my arm. The daily grind of living was exhausting. Managing a family, house, photography business, my career job and so on was more than I could handle. I had no desire.... or at least a pathetic one of being able to climb into bed at 10pm and get a good nights sleep.
For most of my 30's that is how I was living. Just get through the day... tomorrow will be better. Or "It will get better when __________" Or "If I could only _____________"
And then I met my trainer, I sat down with him and discussed my concerns. There was a moment when he made me feel like there was "Hope".  Hope led to setting a Goal.
Do you know what a goal can do for you? A goal can give you desire to move... to take action.... to live. In the past I have felt like I was just existing. Day after day, and yes there would be a few great moments but then it was back to just existing. It's not a way to live people! A life that is just existing and never strives to reach a goal can feel lost. I can 100% attest to that....... I felt lost!
Do you know what is even better than the Goal...... the pursuit of the goal! Don't you just love that word pursuit? It's like your in some action show like Miami Vice and your in hot pursuit with Don Johnson oh my gosh I just aged myself... i was like 3 or maybe 6 when that show came out..... okay I have a better one I'm in pursuit with Matt Damon in the Bourne Supremacy..... getting wayyy off base, sorry! get back on track....  Okay Pursuit, I have been in pursuit of my 90 pound goal for 14 months 5 days and 8 hours. but who's counting. Throughout my journey both Jay and Kelly would say to me "enjoy the journey" I would keep telling myself "heck no"  I just want to get this over with and get this weight off! But now I realize I am finding Joy in the pursuit. The process of working toward the goal is  just as important as attaining the goal.

Some of the things I have learned during my pursuit:
1. Patience - this is my least favorite and is taking the longest!
2. With success......... comes sacrifice
3. People care and people love me for me... and I accept that.
4. The impossible......... is possible
5. When I dig deeper............the desire gets stronger

Make sure you choose a goal that fits. Make sure it's a goal you desire. If you chose a goal that someone else has set for you it will hold no value to you and you will not work as hard to achieve it. Once you have your goal, add structure to it.
For me this is what it looked like:
1. I set a concrete goal to loose 90lbs
2. I found the best trainer that I was confident would get me to my goal
3. I formed a support group. My family and my friends at bootcamp my trainers push and encourage me and do NOT allow me to give up.
4. I gave up my time and money to get me there.
5. I allow myself to reach out to my trainer and my support group when I loose focus.

Make your goals specific, attainable, measurable, realistic and smart. And Lastly Dream BIG!
I believe God made us like Him. A person who is creative, has talents, brains, and abilities. And can see into a future that does not yet exit. Setting Goals will help you bring all of that together. Create your dreams........... my trainer encourages BIG dreams...... and why not? Use your talents and your abilities to create the future you envision. Because when you do... It will add to your happiness and bring you to a life you never thought could exist.

Dream BIG,

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