Like for instance: The 6 birthday celebrations of various family members and friends, along with Easter holiday all in just the last 14 days...... could have spelled disaster! Why is it when I decide to do the 28 day program it's like this over abundance of celebration! Almost like "hey let's just see how mentally tough Jen can be??" or how many combinations of her favorites is it going to take before she caves? Ha HA! I will not cave into the battle of the bulge!
Here is the good: I feel healthy, I like what I am putting into my body. Lean proteins, TONS of veggies and did I mention lean proteins and tons of veggies? Oh and I almost forgot...... lots of veggies along with lean protein!
I am exercising hard 5-6 days a week and my body is handling it well. Knee and low back pain to a minimum. I am running........ YES I said running! 4 days a week. For those of you new to me, I strongly dislike running, a past post I wrote about flying, running, and cold could be some of the least desirable things in my life. Well, it's now not cold and I have told myself to run at a pace that does not hurt my knee.
Here is the bad: My energy level a bit low. My weight likes to stall out about this time so starchy carbs are the first to go on these 28 days. Very little starchy carbs = low energy for me. I am retaining water like crazy right now, just one more thing women have to deal with and men don't.... you guys are so lucky!
Other than that, these 28 days are going well. Mindset, staying focused on what and why you are taking fat off your body.... is the KEY! I'm not kidding, without it you can't be successful.
- Set yourself up for success.
- Find a supportive environment,
- find a program that works for YOU
- and then make it happen.
heres to 7 more days!
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