Sunday, November 10, 2013

How do you learn best?

Good question right? How do YOU really learn best? I know for me I learn best by living it out.  By actually making the mistake, seeking out the answer and then applying it.  I will give you my most recent example and boy do I have many...... Since you are all so interested in food and weight loss I will focus on that.
     Over a week ago my trainer challenged me to change my breakfast. The mission... eat raw for 1 week.  He suggested a smoothie.  I understood the idea behind it, put amazing healthy simple ingredients into my body and see how my body reacted.  I was up for the challenge, not so hard right?  But to be honest, I did not think it would work, and I did not think I would feel full.  Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG!  Why is it, that sometimes what we THINK is experience in an area turns out to be INEXPERIENCE? I mean come on....... I've been doing this for a year and a half, I have MOST of the answers right?  Nope, I don't.  But I'm LEARNING!  And that is what is so awesome about life.  Just when we THINK we know most of the answers....... there is SO MUCH more to learn!
     Think back to when you were in your 20's, didn't you kind of think you had most of the answers?  Didn't you kinda sorta know what was best? But then life challenged you, maybe through a job, a marriage, kids... you get the idea.   NOW you really know don't you?  I mean your married and you have 2.2 kids and a career.......NOPE!  Your next challenge comes..... you lose your job, your marriage, your house, maybe your child, your spouse or a parent.  GROWTH happens, you LIVED it, you EXPERIENCED it.  Now you MUST have all the answers right?  NOPE! Your next challenge comes...... and out of that GROWTH comes!  You see you can live your life believing at each stage that you have all the answers,  OR...... you can be humbled by your own inexperience and look forward to new growth! I am humbled....... I hope I NEVER come across as a miss know-it-all, and I will always be honest,  If I don't know the answer, I will be honest with you and seek out the answer.  Cool huh?  Just think how much knowledge and life experience we will all have when we are 90!! I know with these raw shakes I am drinking I will at least make it to 90!!! Wait NO I'm going for a 100!!!!

Here is my current Raw shake recipe complements of Mr. Jay Altman!

I'm going to call it......
The Slim Jen

1/4 avocado
2 cutie oranges (remove skin)
1 handful of kale
1/2 cup raw egg whites
1/2 ripe pear
1 cup of water (or you could use almond milk)
Blend and enjoy!

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