Sunday, February 17, 2013

Meet..... John Brill

I am sooooooo excited about where my blog is going.......... I have decided to "Feature" a new person every month. Why?  Because I have learned through this journey that everyone has a story..... and a story that should be told. This first person I have decided to feature is someone I really did not know. Or at least I didn't know him very well... until now.  I had heard about John Brill and met John a couple of times in passing at Altman Boot Camp. I would hear from the other boot campers how much they "Loooove John Brill" How John is such a great and fun guy to be around. So I knew John would be a good one to start with.... And boy was I right! So here he is..... My new friend John Brill

Have you ever met a person that you instantly felt at ease with? John's charm, humor and friendly disposition can warm a person's heart and make you feel like you have known him for years. John's story could be just like anyone reading this blog.  A story of determination, a desire to be successful and continuous effort to reach his goals.  John finds himself in his mid 40's with the career he dreamed of, financial security, an incredible wife and two wonderful kids. Yet John feels he has more to offer to this world but is caught between managing a thriving career, balancing time with his family and making sure he is meeting his own needs. John struggles with issues of control witch leads to anger which leads to overeating.  I am excited to share with all of you over this next week, John's own story of "mending". And quite possibly you may experience yourself in his story!
....... to be continued!

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