Friday, January 25, 2013

I like fat

And I'm not talking about that jelly roll I have going on in my belly. I like healthy fats! I love avocado, butter, nuts, peanut butter. Those things are all good for you but when you are at a point where I am at trying to take of the last bit of weight......It's not gonna help! So I need to cut back on those nice healthy fats for a bit and then add them back in a few days, then taper off and add them back in. For me my body likes fats, it does not like carbs. So when I cut way back on healthy fats I still feel hungry and I feel lightly hungry until my next meal. And when I am hungry.... look out! My mood gets bad, I get irritated, and if it goes on too long I get really emotional. That is what I am most frustrated about now.
Crazy how food or lack of food can do that to you! My trainer has said this and I am currently reading a book that states we are malnourished!  "Things we put into our mouths are industrialized, commercialized, diminished in nourishment and toxic in many cases. The result is that many of us are suffering from malnutrition. What? In a country with more food than any other country? with more than 2/3rds of north America overweight? Yes, malnutrition means you don't consume enough needed nutrients or you consume too many calories that are deficient in needed nutrients." Taken from Good foods/ Bad foods by Judith DeCava
Now that I am on this side of things I really understand it, but the hard part is our brains have been given mixed messages from food manufactures with things like: cereal, with added fiber and fortified nutrients that is supposedly good for us and will provide us with what we need. NOT TRUE! only real food, real nutrients will provide our bodies with what we need.
If you are interested in this, I encourage you to get a book like the one I have listed, or the ones listed to the right about nutrition. And remember even small changes are important!


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