Do you ever wonder why one fad diet works for one person and not for another? Take the Mediterranean diet or Atkins diet, the grapefruit diet, the Dukan diet, and so on. Why can someone go on it and do really well and then why can another person go on the SAME diet and do really poorly? I actually tried the Mediterranean diet before I followed the current path I am on. I lost a little bit of weight but mostly it left me feeling hungry and frustrated.
About 5 months into my weight loss journey my trainer encouraged me to take the Metabolic test. I know what your thinking.... ANOTHER fad diet, but hear me out.
This is NOT a diet. This is a way for YOU to learn how YOUR body responds to food. This is how it was explained to me: If you had a giraffe (who eats leafy greens) in one room and a lion (who eats meat) in another room and you switched their food, what would happen???? Over time they would start to get sick and eventually die right? The metabolic typing is based on that same principle, we are all here in the great USA because our great great great somebody came from somewhere and adopted a new life. But with that came a new environment, new types of food and new food sources.
For me I discovered that I have a lot of Norwegian heritage..... I know I know, don't gif me a hard time bout it! But that means for me that MY body does really well on healthy fats! Lucky me huh? I can eat a moderate amount of healthy fats and protein and feel really good and maintain a healthy weight. The down side is, I do really poorly on carbohydrates! Huh? Go figure.... I was living on carbohydrates..... mostly processed carbohydrates and look what happened I had a LONG list of health problems and was heading down a path of an early death.
When I took the metabolic test, found my metabolic type and then watched the videos that were designed for MY metabolic type it started to all make sense! I followed the videos, listened to what my adviser Jay Altman recommended and started to discover what works for ME.
It took a while and it took a lot of time listening to my body and fine tuning my meals but now I have them down and when I eat that way I FEEL GREAT!!! When I vary from it, add too many carbs or if I over do on the fats, I feel it. And when I say I feel it, I feel it in the form of: headache, feel really tired, I notice anxiety, or just a general not well feeling.
For me I will NEVER go on another DIET. I will NEVER try another fad diet because I know how MY body responds to which foods and why. I know exactly how to loose weight, I just have to be willing to put in the effort.
I encourage you to follow this link LINK, watch these videos for FREE and see what it's about. Then if you are ready and want to find out how YOUR body responds to food keep going and take the metabolic test. I have asked Jay Altman for a special favor for my blog readers. For two days Jay has offered to give a 20% discount to my blog readers!
Here is your chance to learn more about YOUR body and how it functions on what YOU eat........ I hope your excited!
Follow the this Link to purchase one of 3 options and enter this discount code: JFLYNN
And remember this discount code only lasts for 2 days, so after midnight Saturday the code will not work.
Oh and just in case you were wondering you CAN do the 1-1 counseling even if you live in another state, Jay will do it through webex!
Metabolic Test
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