Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What kind of life do you want to live?

Wouldn't it be nice to live your life fully and without fear? I have been thinking a lot about my dad lately and one of the memories that keep coming to mind is 2 days before he died. We (my whole family) had a garage sale at my parents house that weekend. A man had come to the sale and bought and inexpensive table saw, he needed to haul it home but had no way to do it. I went and asked my dad if he would use his truck to haul it to this gentleman's home. Of course, he said "sure!" He was gone 2 hours! We were starting to get worried when he finally showed up. We asked him what happened? why did it take so long? He said "I sat and had a beer with him, he said he was out of work and he appeared to be handy so I gave him a job, he starts next week"  I remember thinking.... you don't even know this man? Is he even going to show up? Is he qualified to do the job your asking? Is he being truthful?.... and so on.
That was my dad, he would give ANYONE a chance, he didn't care if you attended the school of hard knocks or Harvard university, he felt everyone deserved the same respect and chance at life.

To live a life fully, without fear or regret.... that is how I want to LIVE.
How do you want to LIVE your life? How are you going to achieve it????

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